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How to prevent stroke Fraud Site

Here are some ways to prevent fraud action that is normally done through the site that were false labcoffe from various sources:

1. Always type the complete URL address for the site you're heading in the browser. Telitilah, although only one letter different, but you can not even be sent to a jiplakannya site.

2. Never give out your User ID or your PIN on the other. Even the staff at the bank where you even shelter. For, the bank should never ask a PIN number for any reason.

3. Do not easily believe if get e-mail that contains a notice that the bank will close the account or ID if you do not re-confirmation with the data-your personal data. Make sure the first contact with the bank concerned and not me-reply or click the link in the e-mail.

4. Do not terpancing to follow the suggestion to make the transfer to a particular account, with the goal of getting the prize sweepstakes. Should find complete information by directly contacting the bank directly.

5. Overview, page site with asphalt nearly the same official site owned institutions that official. Even the appearance was sometimes visible twin. However, if you no longer more thorough fundamental differences, namely the URL from the address or domain. Differentiate with the URL from the address of the site is the official institutions, have the same subdomain or not.

6. Pembeda the other is in front of the word 'http' and 'https' in the URL. Suffix 's' in the' http 'indicates that the site is really the' secure ', because the technology is protected by encryption of data as Verisign SSL.

7. Although the page on the site listed the logo of the asphalt 'Verisign Secured'. For the public, of course difficult to distinguish them. Which can be a criterion validity of a site's e-banking in addition to written 'https', in the bottom right of the browser are also a locked padlock image.

8. Better to ensure Israeli institutions directly. Live-contact customer service, he said even ashamed of being victims of cyber criminals.

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